
Shadow warrior 2013
Shadow warrior 2013


Bosses too, they all follow the same formula of shoot at the glowing spot until it breaks then shoot at the glowing spots underneath that. I think another problem that led to the game burning me out so quick was that the enemy variety is fairly low, and it just becomes uninteresting to fight the same guys over and over. Unfortunately that’s not really possible across all encounters because a lot of the enemies are absolute bullet sponges. I tried my best it just get through the game with the katana and ki powers where I could, because it was easily my favorite part of the game. It’s sword combat is very unique (honestly if there’s another game that feels similar to this please let me know, because I’d love to try it), and even after every long break I could immediately get back into the swing of things after just 5 minutes of getting a feel for things. That being said, there’s a lot I love about this game. There’s a total of 17 levels and I honestly thought I must have been approaching the end near Chapter 8, so when it just kept going and going i decided to take a break. It wasn’t so much that each level was long, they were actually paced fairly well, but just that the game as a whole is very long. I actually began this game around July last year, but would drop it after I’d get burnt out on it and pick it back up a few weeks or even months later which is why I only just managed to get through it yesterday. I think if you played this on easy you could easily zone out from the real world for a while.


Indeed I ended up putting on some TV shows in the background because it becomes really monotonous, to the point of being borderline meditative. There’s a point when mowing down the hundred of enemies just starts feeling like a chore. I took many long breaks from this game before finishing it because getting through a single level was more than enough of its gameplay at a time for me. It’s exhausting and gets really repetitive really fast. The beginning levels have a nice pace and are finished in about 20-25 minutes each, but by the end, each level just drags on with the last one taking a whole hour to get through. Unfortunately, where it falls short, is just how much of this combat there is. However, they did add a new monkey enemy type that only appears in sections with rows of pillars and those are particularly annoying to deal with and I generally tried to just avoid and move past them. Enemy variety is pretty much the same as the original games, but fortunately harpies are less annoying since they no longer shoot at you from a distance. They also added a new explosive weapon that shoots projectiles so fast that’s it’s borderline a hits can weapon which is really welcome considering how long the rockets from the rocket launchers take to reach their targets in these massive maps.

shadow warrior 2013

It’s enjoyable to kite and dodge hoards of enemies and blow them up with your arsenal, especially once you get the mini gun and canon ball which I also remember loving in the original. The music is good, but after being spoiled by Doom’s mixing it felt a little disappointing to go back to a game where the mixing is essentially on and on/off switch.


I enjoyed how it slowly grew in scope, from almost being a corridor shooter to the full proper Serious Sam experience with hundreds of enemies attacking you at once. I remember enjoying TFE when I was younger but really disliking TSE, so I was going into this one with an open mind. Wanting to scratch that itch left by the Doom reboot i scoured by backlog for similar games and ended up playing through Serious Sam 3 and finishing Shadow Warrior (I had actually started it last year). The old /r/patientgamers Essential Games List Please use flair to display what games you’re currently playing, not a punch line, username, tag, URL, or signature. New, mobile-friendly spoilers can be posted using the following formatting: Want to play online in a dead gaming community? We expect you to know these rules before making a post. Please click here to see our current rules. We no longer maintain our posting rules in Old Reddit. Join our Discord Join our Steam Group Follow us on Twitter Posting Rules

shadow warrior 2013

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Shadow warrior 2013